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1. UPGRADED Firewall Security

2. Dupefinder Scan

3. Jewel of Elevation Price Update from 100wcc to 50wcc

4. JOL Opt removal from Heart of Live Items

5. OIPINOY Lucky Coins reward at Chaos Castle removed and changed to random jewel bundle x10

6. Removal of Jewel of Creation and Jewel of Life at low level maps. Will be available at Tarkan 1 and above higher maps only.

7. Hide S20 Channel at Server Select List. Warping at Crywolf, Lorenmarket, Barracks, and Valley of Loren will automatically move you to S20 (Siege Server)

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Server Info

VersionSeason 6
Master Experience60x
Total Accounts3,354
Total Characters6,820
Total Guilds70
Online Users109

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Guild Registration Period

Castle Siege Battle
6 days 6 hours

Castle Information

Top Level+

BLCKEDBlade Master600
EaTMyDuSTFist Master600
PK4LLDAYLord Emperor600
KALASAGGrand Master600
BOOSTERFist Master600