Online Users:
Server Time:
Your Time:

Download the latest patch and extract to your VIVA Client folder to apply changes.

πŸ“ŒLucky Ticket Exchange has now 100% Luck. Increased probability to get +10 stamina. Random level chances:

+9 >> 25%

+10 >> 22%

+11 >> 17%

+12 >> 12%

+13 >> 10%

+14 >> 8%

+15 >> 6%


πŸ“ŒRemoved Skeleton Ring at GPoints Cash Shop

πŸ“ŒAdded Scroll of Wrath (400GP), Reset Fruits (200GP), Max SD Boost Aura (400GP), and Max AG Boost Aura (400GP) in Gpoints Cash Shop

πŸ“ŒFIXED Left and Right Hand of Maya drop with excellent items.

πŸ“ŒRemoved excellent accessories drop at Kundun, Medusa, Selupan, and Balgass only.

πŸ“ŒActivated Mini Boss Invasion: Balrog, Zaikan, & Hydra. Drops: excellent accessories random JOL opt + 2 excellent opt

Invasion Time: Balrog 8:30AM and 4:30PM

Zaikan 10:30AM and 8:30PM

Hydra 11:30AM and 10:30PM


πŸ“ŒAdded 2 Wcoins + 5 Gpoints rewards at Golden Invasion Mobs except Golden Budge Dragon, Goblin, Soldier, and Titan. Golden Great Dragon has 3 Wcoins + 7 Gpoints.

πŸ“ŒAdded 5 Wcoins + 10 Gpoints rewards at Kundun, Medusa, Selupan, Balrog, Hydra, and Zaikan. Erohim has 3 wcoins + & Gpoints while Balgass has 10 Wcoins + 20 Gpoints.

πŸ“ŒReduced Gpoints online reward from 10 to 5.

πŸ“ŒIncreased Cash Shop Scroll Buffs from 170WC to 200WC.

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Server Info

VersionSeason 6
Master Experience60x
Total Accounts3,354
Total Characters6,820
Total Guilds70
Online Users109

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Guild Registration Period

Castle Siege Battle
6 days 6 hours

Castle Information

Top Level+

BLCKEDBlade Master600
EaTMyDuSTFist Master600
PK4LLDAYLord Emperor600
KALASAGGrand Master600
BOOSTERFist Master600