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Mini DM Event

Magic Gladiator Category

Date: January 13, 2023 @ 09:00PM GMT+8

Registration Fee: 100 GC

Mechanics on how to join:

1. Interested participants shall register by commenting their In-Game Name at this thread.

2. Participants shall be officially registered after doing payment of the registration fee.

3. Paricipants must be online one hour or earlier before the event

4. If the participant does not appear nor respond upon the scheduled match:

*He/She shall be given 3 mins grace period.

*Failure to show during the match shall result to disqualification

5. Disconnection Issues:

*1st Disconnection: +1 to the opponent

*2nd Disconnection: Automatic Disqualification


ℹ️Lvl 399: 3rd quest until 20 20 20 is allowed. No DE Quest

ℹ️NPC Gear only

❌No Accessories

❌No LCP/SD Pots

❌No Extended Inventory

❌No Store Pots or Any Items in the store

❌No Cash Shop Items and Buffs

❌No Wing

Miscellaneous Items Allowed:

✅Wizard Ring


✅Potion of Bless

✅Potion of Soul

✅Pets (Imp, Guardian Angel, Uniria, Dinorant)


Prizes (only 1 winner):

1. The winner shall take all the registration fees.

2. 2nd Wing +11+L+1opt no JOL of their choice

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Server Info

VersionSeason 6
Master Experience60x
Total Accounts3,354
Total Characters6,820
Total Guilds70
Online Users109

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Guild Registration Period

Castle Siege Battle
6 days 6 hours

Castle Information

Top Level+

BLCKEDBlade Master600
EaTMyDuSTFist Master600
PK4LLDAYLord Emperor600
KALASAGGrand Master600
BOOSTERFist Master600